A grade B judge could only be allowed to judge alongside a qualified grade A judge. B级裁判只能协同有A级资质的裁判进行评判。
The child is a grade lower than others. 这孩子身高比其他孩子矮半截。
In this example, the users appear to be taking on the role of a grade administrator. 在该示例中,这些用户看起来是担当年级管理员的角色。
However, there is a monumental difference between a grade school page and a professionally developed Web site. 但是,小学生的网页和专业开发的网站有质的区别。
When I was teaching a Grade One class, Billy's tooth just popped out. 我那时正在教一年级的一个班。比利的一颗牙齿掉下来了。
Getting a grade like a B-plus or a C-minus adds or subtracts a few tenths of a point. B+或C-意味着在每个分数上加上或减去几个0.1分。
At this moment, I saw a grade children in snow above snowball fights. 这时,我看到一年级的小朋友在雪地上面打雪仗。
You will receive a mark, not a grade, on the first draft you hand in, and an "F" if the revision is not in on time. 我将会给你的草稿一个记号,而不是分数,但如果修正稿没准时交就是F,不及格。
In printing, a grade of paper made for hand writing and used in typewriters. It can also be used for printing. 印刷技术中一种手写和打字机用的纸,也可供印刷使用。
But we have only got A Grade dog trainers. 但是,我们只得到了A级犬教员。
He got a grade A in math. 他数学得了“a”。
Education in elementary subjects ( reading and writing and arithmetic) provided to young students at a grade school. 基础科目(阅读、写作、算术)的教育,面向小学生。
You will receive a mark, not a grade, on the first essay you hand in. 每缴交一份作品会得到一个评价、而不是分数。
To give a grade to ( a student, for example). 评分给分数(例如一个学生)
How dark the final application is determines the level of TiO2 in a grade. 多么黑暗的最终应用是决定着一个年级的二氧化钛的水平。
Assign a grade or rank to, according to one's evaluation; as of scholastic work. 根据某人的表现来评定他的级别;此词语可用来指学术作品。
Haier culture is elusive and it is a spirit realm, a grade, Haier is the intrinsic force. 海尔文化又看不见摸不着,那是一种精神,一种境界,一种品位,是海尔发展的内在动力。
The smart girl skipped a grade. 聪明的女孩跳了一个年级。
To realize the value of ONE YEAR, ask a student who has failed a grade. 要知道一年的价值,可问考试不及格的学生;
The Chinese feudal society was a grade society of patriarchal clan system. 中国封建社会是以血缘关系为纽带组成的宗法等级社会。
I will let you know at once if at any point your performance would merit a grade below C. 如果你表现的任何一点会得到低于C的成绩,我会马上让你知道。
Students must complete all negotiation exercises in order to receive a grade for the course. 为了得到课程成绩,学生一定要完成所有的谈判练习。
If he were to compare for you the lifestyle of a person with a Ph.D.to that of a grade school dropout, you might complain that this comparison is not helpful for your decision. 如果他把一个获得博士学位的人的生活方式和一个小学没毕业的人相比较的话,那么你也许会抱怨这样的对比对你的决策毫无帮助。
Turned me into a grade school alcoholic altar boy though. 这使我在小学时就成了全校有名的祭坛酒鬼。
Methods: A GRADE evidence profile consists of two tables: a quality assessment and a summary of findings. 级证据谱包括两类:质量评估和结果总结。
She is only a grade four's student. 她只是一个四年级的学生。
The cells look less like normal cells than do the cells in a grade I tumor. 这些细胞看起来不像比我正常细胞瘤细胞一年级。
Of course, it is possible to get a grade lower than an A even if Lab3 is done. 当然,即使你做了实验3,也有可能得到A以下的分数。
A grade depending on the results of the final exam. 分级由期终考试的结果而定。
For applications requiring greater strength, choose a grade that incorporates chopped glass fiber ( long fibers). 适用于需要更高的强度,选择一个牌号,采用切碎的玻璃纤维(长纤维)。